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Every Day is C O F F E E Day 127

Day 127: July 31, 2020
Global Cases: 17, 752, 824; Deaths: 682, 393
Egypt Cases: 94, 078; Deaths: 4, 805

Passant Mohamed Rashad
Communication and Media Arts Junior

Ever since the lockdown started, we all got overwhelmed by the quarantine and not being able to do the simplest things in life. Outings with our friends quickly turned into Houseparty and phone calls. Even working at the office turned into Zoom meetings. And that was a huge shift to adjust to in a very short period of time.

If you me what quarantine was like for me, I would simply say it was awful and very devastating at first. But then once I started adapting to it, I started to use the time I had more carefully. The fact that the whole world was on pause is incredible. This is something that happens once in a decade, or even more, and it would be foolish of us if we didn’t take advantage of it.

By now, I’m sure that many of us have tried almost everything on the hobby list; whether it’s drawing, yoga, or even buying new plants. But for me, the only three things that have kept me sane during this whole madness, were iced coffee, drawing, and music.

C-O-F-F-E-E, six letters, one word, ultimate happiness. See, before the COVID-19 chaos started, I used to drink iced coffee wherever I went. Whether it was at university, outings, or just about anywhere. And if you haven’t understood how much iced coffee means to me, just go to Cilantro at AUC, and ask the manager how many times I went there and kept nagging about ordering iced coffee (because they stopped making it).

So, again back to quarantine. Iced coffee, basically, was the only thing that helped me push through all this. There’s something about its bitter sweetness that gives me hope that one day, everything will go back to normal. However, until then … I’m making my own iced coffee, which I mastered by the way!

On the other hand, drawing and music were my “go to” whenever I wanted to just relax and ease my mind off things. Although I haven’t drawn in years, because of the fact that I was always busy, now I have all the time in the world to get back my drawing skills.

So now, it’s me, my iced coffee, my sketchbook and my music.

“There’s only one thing more precious than our time and that’s who we spend it on,” says author Leo Christopher.

In case you wanted to make the best homemade iced coffee, here’s the secret recipe:

– 1 tsp of instant coffee ( or two if you like )
– 1 tsp of sugar ( or two )
– 1 tsp of caramel syrup/ or any syrup you like ( you can by it from Cilantro )
– 5 tsp of boiled water
– After mixing everything together, add ice cubes, then milk. Et voila – the best homemade iced coffee you could ever drink.