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AUC Student Reflects on Her Semester in Denmark

By: Farida Kassem

Photo Courtesy of Farida Kassem

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Student at AUC Farida Kassem reflects on her experience having a semester abroad in Aarhus, Denmark at the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX).

So far I have been having quite a good and extremely different experience.

I spent the first two weeks of my semester getting to know the other international students at DMJX. We have had quite a few nice outings, movie nights and gone around the city to visit several museums. This was before the semester started.

It has been quite an enjoyable process since the semester began. I have rented a bike in which I cycle daily to the university and around the city.

Classes are quite nice here as we work in groups and as my class includes about 50 Danish students and only 5 internationals, I am in a group with 4 other Danes. They have been nice and working with them has allowed me to learn a lot and avoid the stress of having all the pressure of working solo.

So far, I have finished two parts of my corporate communications program which included intercultural communication and corporate social responsibility and I am currently taking the third course in the program which is change communications.

People are quite nice and I made a nice group of friends who I have recently travelled with around Sweden during the October holidays, we went to Stockholm and Gothenburg and attempted to head to Finland but failed due to the corona situation.







However, it was quite a nice trip. Currently, the weather is not so great, it is getting quite cold which I’m not used to, but cycling in this weather sure is interesting!

I am excited for the weeks to come and looking forward to completing my program.