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Letter From the Editor: An Ode to Palestine  

We gathered for another pitching meeting on the 15th of October. With the mentality and the attempt to carry on, we forced the idea upon ourselves to keep going with our plan, but we could not. Looking at each others’ faces, we knew that we could not. Talking with each other, we knew we could not. 

And so we changed the plan.

We quickly realized that this could not just become an issue dedicated to the occupation’s inflicted brutality. Instead, it is an illumination of Palestine beyond the walls of pain and suffering, rather a gateway to witnessing a Palestine rich with culture, heritage, and decadent history. A Palestine full of light, love, and inclusion. A Palestine we so heartbreakingly are not familiar with.

Feelings of helplessness, fear, shock, confusion, heaviness, brokenheartedness, grief, and disillusionment were channeled into determination. This is a testament to our feelings of responsibility as journalists to provide a voice. A platform. 

We know that this is the only thing we can do.

What you are now holding in the palms of your hands is the labor of just that. We pulled up our sleeves and spread the message engraved in the faces that bore the pain and the voices that cracked with agony.  

But producing an entire print issue about Palestine was also not an easy choice. It came with a feeling of great responsibility towards Palestinians and to our profession. As students, our feelings started to bottle up, and the fear of not doing (it) justice put more pressure on our shoulders. 

May this issue take you on a journey like it did us, our dear reader. 

A journey of exploration and education.

A journey through Gaza, Bethlehem, and the West Bank.

A journey through law and literature.

A journey through music, cuisine, and crafts.

A journey through time and resistance.

The Caravan’s Editorial Team