
In Pursuit of Identity

Sherif El Hakim

Managing Online Editor 

They say the four years you spend at university mold you to become the person you want to be, the person you need to be and the person you have to be.

How can someone be who they want with their parents making their decisions for them? How can someone be who they need to be with their parents making their decisions for them? How can someone be who they have to be with their parents making their decisions for them?

The simple truth is a student at university should be making their own decisions and making their own mistakes. Character is built by learning from your mistakes. This choice begins with your major declaration.

I’m sorry if I offend anyone with this piece, but my aim is to encourage individuals to pursue their passion.

Don’t listen to your parents when it comes to declaring your major. Explore your options. Use your first year to take as many electives and introductory classes as you can. Who knows, you might fall in love with another subject?

How many students are currently studying what they want? How many students will be successful in this industry? My bet is less than 20 percent. This is not to bring anyone down. This is to encourage you to explore your options and chase your passion.

For my whole life I was constantly pressured to pursue business or economics and it was only until I took an introduction to mass communication class that I realized my passion for journalism.

My father’s mentality is that “you will never achieve anything without entering the banking and financial industry.” My argument was one of passion. I thought to myself, “how can I be the best at what I do without actually loving what I do?”

After months of debate, I found my passion. I found a key element to my identity. However, this came with perseverance and encouragement.

Students, pursue your passion, find your identity and achieve your dreams. Remember, you only have one life to live …