
Political unrest increases yoga turnout


Between the political instability that is gripping the natwion and the general fast-paced nature of the city, Cairenes find refuge from stress in the practice of yoga at AUC and in meditation studios all around Cairo.

The number of people taking yoga classes at AUC increased, said Magy Radwan, the AUC Yoga instructor teaching the class at the Sports Complex for six years now.

“I usually get around 15-20 students per class,” said Radwan, adding that Yoga is becoming more popular all across Egypt, not just in AUC, because people are starting to understand its practice and benefits.

Radwan explained how Yoga classes function; they start with breathing exercises for students, followed by stretches in order to tone the muscles.

The final phase is meditation, which is meant to relax the students.

Sara Ahmed, a business administration student who takes Yoga classes off-campus, said, “With everything happening around us and the endless stream of texts, emails, and new technologies, taking half an hour to work on yourself every day could save your soul.”

She found yoga particularly attractive because of its solitary nature, which she finds appealing in physical activities.

She also enjoys the fact that Yoga works your body through stretching and all the different movements, but does not increase your adrenaline, as other sports do. The result is a workout that is both effective and relaxing.

“Every posture in yoga has a benefit,” said Radwan. “Whether it improves your breathing or tones your muscles or relaxes you, everything in yoga serves a specific purpose,” she added.

Meditation classes are available for Cairenes in various studios all around Cairo, especially in Zamalek and Maadi.

These yoga studios offer their customers a variety of class options, ranging from rhythmic gymnastics to classes that focus on breathing patterns.

Another AUC student, Deena Bahgat, said she has never taken a yoga class but many of her friends and peers have started taking yoga classes, which has enticed her interest in the practice.

“I feel like it’s a great way to detoxify your brain and your aura. It’s kind of like a quick vacation for your soul, and I think a lot of us could use that once or twice a week,” Bahgat said.