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FYP Welcomes Freshmen to Campus Orientation

By Doha Wang

The First Year Program (FYP) held its very first on-ground orientation day on September 1.

The freshmen were instructed to complete a Covid-19 Self-Check survey two hours prior to their arrival. They were all greeted by a beautiful dance number put together by AUC students as a welcome show.

By the time the freshmen were fully registered and set to start the day, the Engagement Fair was ready for them. Each club, association, and organization had its own booth and were eagerly waiting for fresh faces to sign up and join them.

By the end of the Engagement Fair, the sun was about to set and the freshmen were taken on a d-tour to the football field where the FYP team had a whole range of activities set up for them. Each group had their own equipment away from the other groups so that they maintain their social distance and don’t share the same materials.

The day closed off with a special giveaway for all new students before they left campus to begin their once-in-a-lifetime university experience which FYP will be there to guide them through.