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AUC Library’s Environmental Move Sparks Panic

Edited by: Mariam Rabah

Photo Taken By: Rayaheen Sam Qatena

The AUC library announced on August 30 that it will no longer remain open 24/7 and will start closing at 10 p.m, with the exception of two equipped study rooms that will remain open around the clock. The library will also remain open 24 hours on weekdays during midterm and final exam periods.

Interim Dean of Libraries and Learning Technologies Lamia Eid explained to The Caravan that the decision was taken after analyzing the number of students using the facility overnight and the environmental impact the longer hours have.

The library’s social media announcement, however, did not provide reasons for the library’s decrease in operating hours. The decision was therefore met with disappointment and concern from the students’ side, requesting more information about the rationale behind the change.

Mustafa Sherif, a graduating Biology senior at AUC, expressed that as a student who spends his nights in the library to finish his work and prepare for exams, this decision is not serving his needs. Sherif usually starts his study sessions at 10 p.m. and does not go home until he finishes all his tasks, and does not think the two provided rooms are enough to fit a large number of students.  

“Seeing that there is no other space on campus where we can work at night, it is not fair for us to suddenly adapt to these new circumstances, especially during midterms, finals, and projects,” said Sherif. Sherif did not know about the opening hours during midterms and finals as the initial announcement hadn’t mentioned these exceptions. 

According to Dean Eid the library was not always working 24/7. In 2019, they studied the possibility of opening the library for longer hours to help the students have full access to their favorite study space. This service stopped during the COVID-19 pandemic and was reintroduced after this period. 

Eid explained that the library team is a data-driven department, meaning that it makes decisions depending on evaluation processes. Based on the department’s evaluation, it was noticed that the number of students visiting the library was lower than expected, especially at night. 

“The range of visiting students was between 40-50 students, and it rose to 70 students during the exam period. The decision to close the library earlier was taken accordingly as this involves a big environmental responsibility,” said Eid. 

Eid pointed out that this decision will lead to a noticeable decrease in energy consumption. After decreasing the library’s working hours, the library will apply more environmentally friendly practices.  

The library announced that rooms, P015 and P016, were chosen as exclusive study spaces on weekdays and weekends. Even when the Main Library (Plaza level) closes at 10 p.m., these rooms will be available for students 24/7. They are equipped with PCs and a centralized printer to ensure students have the technology and resources needed.

“We are still providing the 24/7 service, but differently. The two rooms available have a mixture of seating and group work facilities. What is offered in these rooms is exactly what was offered on the plaza level before,” Eid added. 

Eid mentioned that the two available rooms will still accommodate the largest number of students the library ever reached in the past years, with a range of 68 to 70 students. Therefore, she added, students will not feel any difference. 

She said that the library will still open its Plaza level 24 hours on weekdays during the exam period. 

Taking into consideration the different concerns raised by students, the Student Union was cooperative,  requesting that students sign a petition form they created to address this issue. This form will be presented to the library administration to express the student body’s voice. Currently, there is no specified date for revealing the petition results. 

“We had many discussions with different stakeholders and are hoping that this petition will help us achieve our goal to re-open the library for the students 24/7,” said Ahmed Ayman, Vice President of the SU.