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Vinny’s Pizza Cake: A Deliciously Exhausting Endeavor!


Mohsen poses with her gaint slice of pizza cake [Photo by Engezni]
Mohsen poses with her gaint slice of pizza cake [Photo by Engezni]
I dare you to find someone who doesn’t like pizza.If you managed to think of someone in less than two minutes, rest assured then that someone is not a normal human being – or is a normal human being with a very sad palate.

Now, can you think of someone who does not like cake?

The chances are higher, but the claim to their normalcy and palate still applies.

What about a pizza cake?

Not an EGP 1,500 3D cake that’s shaped as a pizza, but an actual pizza that’s shaped like a cake! You read that right.

While some people skim and scan through 9GAG dreaming about the unrealistic food they post, some choose to act rather than dream. One of those “doers, not dreamers” is the Cairo pizzeria Vinny’s, which is ironically located right under Pizza Hut in Maadi.

Talk about a strategic location!

Their 9GAG inspired pizza cake is composed of layer upon layer of cheesy pan crusted pizzas with any flavor you can think of!

Being an ultimate carnivore, I opted for a meaty option; the Hot Dog Pizza Cake. Did that make you dizzy?

I haven’t even started yet.

Before I go into the details of the size, I need to do the flavor justice. The hotdogs were seasoned to absolute perfection; not too salty, didn’t taste like they were actually processed rat meat, and had just the right amount of spice.

The hotdog was accompanied by its best friends; bell peppers. The peppers were perfectly cooked – not mushy, and not crunchy in the sense that they confused the texture of the pie. They added a slightly sweet flavor, balancing out the spice in the meat.

The sauce, on the other hand, is a whole other story! In Egypt, so-called pizzerias claim to use authentic Italian flavors, and they often get away with the lie since we’ve gotten so used to eating processed food, that we can’t differentiate anymore.

Fortunately, that wasn’t the case at Vinny’s! The sauce was perfectly balanced and tasted like it was exported from a little shop on the corner in a Roman suburb – or a New York joint, for that matter!

The cheese was also a highlight. You know when you chitchat, forget about your pizza, and then pick it up to find that the cheese got stiff? Sort of like a cold grilled cheese sandwich.

I had time to take a picture with my slice of pizza cake, take a picture (or 20!) of my slice, and then take a bite to find that the cheese remained intact and immediately melted in my mouth, giving my cheese-loving taste buds an explosion!

As you know though, happy endings are rare – assuming they even exist. One slice of the Pizza Cake is equal to – drum roll… – a large pizza!!

Imagine that. Not only is it heavy on the heart, but it’s also equally heavy on the arms! This slice was one tough one to hold – and bite. I had to rest one or two times to continue eating it. I can admit to having hungry arms, but those around the table shared the same opinion.

To me, the experience was new and unexpected. I expected it to have a confusing taste, be super greasy, and messy.

I ended up getting a very flavorful pizza with a delicious filling.

But, I’m a girl who is always willing to go to extreme lengths to surprise and treat my taste buds, so I must warn you, this Pizza Cake is definitely not for the fainthearted!