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SU Tells Stories via “Humans of AUC”

By Dalia Abdelwahab 


Inspired by the ongoing world-renowned photography project “Humans of New York”, the American University in Cairo (AUC)’s Student Union (SU) started a new initiative to share interesting community stories on Instagram.

“Humans of AUC” was launched in early September by the SU’s Marketing and Branding Chairperson, Taher El Hemeily. 

On his main inspiration for the launch of “Humans of AUC”, the Mechanical Engineering senior El Hemeily told The Caravan how he believes that there’s more to people than what meets the eye, and more than what is known about them at face value.

“I was thinking to myself that AUC’s diversity, with its students, faculty, staff and workers, could provide us all with variable inspiration,” he shared.

“Everyone is fighting a battle that you are not aware of. I hope that my project inspires people to be more kind and compassionate toward each other,” Hemeily added.

“Humans of AUC” sticks to a systematic schedule of themes which determines the types of stories and portraits to be featured within a specific period of time. For instance, the first theme was titled “The Freshmen Edition” – on par with AUC’s First Year Program (FYP), which takes place at the start of every semester.

Laila Attallah, who co-runs the account with El Hemeily, explained that there is no set criteria to pick who to feature on the account.

“We have a whole team that [moves around] the campus a few times a week to talk to some people. Then we filter the stories to choose the ones we think could be the most relevant and inspiring to the AUC community,” Attallah said. 

Once an AUC community member consents to being filmed on camera, they are then asked to recall an experience which would interest and benefit the AUC community. Accounting junior Henwa Shalaby opted to remind others to appreciate what they might normally take for granted through a retelling of an unpleasant event she had experienced – accidentally falling down from the second floor.

Shalaby believes that the overall experience has improved her self-esteem, along with others’ respect for her. “[This makes you] feel more powerful and in control. You reach a sense of satisfaction and happiness,” she said. 

Humans of AUC has long been a dream project for El Hemeily.

“This is something I have always wanted to do since I enrolled here, and now, I am finally doing it, fulfilling a good cause. I feel like I am contributing something of value for the community.”