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Day 13: Super Smash Bros – Quarantine edition

Day 13: April 8, 2020
Global cases: 1,518,023; Deaths: 88,457
Egypt cases: 1,560; Deaths: 103

Dalia AbdelWahab
Multimedia Journalism Senior

It’s 10am, and I am fighting with my bed in the style of world-renowned video game Super Smash Bros (a battle game that features characters from multiple video game series) a fight that shall determine whether I get to wake up on time for my first online lecture of the day or my bed’s warmth dominates over me.

I win. Better luck tomorrow, bed.

The next match of the day begins at 10:30 sharp, between sleep itself and myself. You see, even though my bed and sleep are characters from the same video game series, the fact that I won over my bed is no indication of whether I shall win over sleep or otherwise. The battle begins with me rubbing my eyes, only for sleep to retaliate by forcing me to yawn multiple times while changing my clothes during my first lecture of the day.

The match ends in a tie. No contest.

Match number 3, which starts at 12:00pm is one of the most intense battles I have had to endure since the beginning of time, and I am probably not alone when it comes to this. I know I couldn’t possibly be equipped enough to battle this enemy alone, so, for that reason, I call my therapist on Zoom.

For The Caravan‘s previous diary entries in Arabic and English go to our COVID-19 Special Coverage page.

Online therapy may not be as sufficient as its physical counterpart, but at least it gets part of the job done with my battle against various mental illnesses.

The match is still ongoing, with mental illnesses dominating the scene. No results available yet.

It’s 5:00pm, and I commence with one of my weirdest battles to date: My war on my burnt kitchen. Our kitchen lost a battle to a fire on day 3 of quarantine, so, it was my job to help it recover from all the battle wounds it gained throughout. The journey to my kitchen’s recovery is no easy feat, as it almost consists of reconstructing it from the ground up. So, once again, this battle requires some outside assistance manifested in the form of repairmen and our domestic helper.

Battle in progress, with an expected victory for us.

At 8:00pm is the time for my final and most exciting battle of the day: Myself vs. Super Smash Bros. The origins of this battle go back to the good old pre-quarantine days, when my friends and I would spend Assembly Hour gaming like our lives depended on it.

This is one intense match – perhaps the second most intense match of the day. I am attempting my hardest to be as powerful at this game as my friends. Is it out of love?

A need to impress?

Peer pressure?

Who knows?

Battle in progress.