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Day 101: Embracing the New Reality

Day 101: July 5, 2020
Global Cases: 11, 550, 542, Deaths: 536, 445
Egypt Cases:75, 253, Deaths: 3, 343

Hana Tarek Abozeina
Undeclared Freshman

Admittedly, quarantine wasn’t very challenging at the beginning. I was attempting to perceive it positively as it represented a chance to explore a new hobby or skill such as cooking, painting, exercising, or learning a new language. Additionally, it helped that we were in the middle of the semester thus I was already preoccupied with studying.

However, and rather unfortunately, that changed quickly. I, slowly, started to realize the gravity and severity of the situation and it dawned on me that COVID-19 wasn’t a short- term problem.

I started to distract myself from reminiscing about when malls were open and a virus wasn’t threatening our lives by catching up on my favorite shows and starting new ones.

I also used the opportunity to try to spend more time with my family – we increased family movie nights and driving around in the car aimlessly together.

I had hoped to start working out or taking care of my face or hair, however, I lacked the motivation to do so, but in comparison with all the problems happening, it was easy to disregard that.

To try and gain some motivation, I enrolled in a summer course and it is currently very helpful both educationally and in making me productive. I also started to take Spanish classes and reading more to come out of the pandemic with a revival of an old interest and a language.

Overall, I believe that the situation we are currently in is new to everyone and each person must come to terms with their way of adapting to it and embracing it. For me, quarantine is a cycle with its many highs and lows, laziness and motivation bursts.

Some people find staying home a punishment, meanwhile, others find a blessing, and due to the difference in all our personalities, no one should judge others’ coping mechanisms.

For The Caravan‘s previous diary entries in Arabic and English go to our COVID-19 Special Coverage page.