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Day 151: COVID-19, Step Aside!

Day 151: August 24, 2020
Global Cases: 23, 882, 902; Deaths: 816, 672
Egypt Cases: 97, 478; Deaths: 5, 280

Shahd Ahmed, Freshman Student

“What are you planning to major in, Shahd?”

The world’s number one most asked question. This is probably the most asked question to any freshman right now.

Funny, people don’t understand that we, as freshmen, have no clue about that too.

However, I’ll be answering this question here — for whoever is interested to know. I want to major in psychology, economics, integrated marketing communications, and biology.

Did you feel the controversy and confusion yet? I know that’s a little bit too much, so I’ll minimize them to only psychology and economics.

That is because I’d love to leave an impact on people. I’d love to help people in any way possible and be the reason for someone’s hope. Additionally, I want to play a role in changing the world.

I believe psychology and economics will fulfill my desires in leaving a good impact and in changing the world. In my opinion, COVID-19 and all what’s happening today won’t hinder me to achieve my goals.

Although, I really wanted to attend college normally on campus with no online sessions, I’m still very excited to begin my new chapter.

I was looking to participate in activities, play sports, and overall, start my academic semester, but with today’s circumstances my hopes went down a bit. Nevertheless, I still have enough hope to imagine myself doing those things in the near future. I’m excited to start, but I’d be excited a hundred times more if we were to take our courses on campus.

I fear we get to spend a lot of time taking our courses online. In other words, I hope we can go on campus as soon as possible.

I hope my first semester turns out as I pictured it, or it would be a huge disappointment for me if it didn’t go as planned.

That would be a failed graduation ceremony, a failed prom, and a failed first semester of uni; too much for a person to endure, honestly.

For The Caravan‘s previous diary entries in Arabic and English go to our COVID-19 Special Coverage page.