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Day 152: Hard Work Yields Results

Day 152: August 25, 2020
Global Cases: 24, 051, 271; Deaths: 822, 726
Egypt Cases: 97, 619; Deaths: 5, 298

Sarah Seif, Journalism and Mass Communication Alumna,
Crisis Communications and Media Monitoring Manager at Egypt’s Ministry of Information

I’ve been going to work and taking a selfie every day to document the days as time passes.

I changed jobs five months ago, and now I am working in the public sector in the media where my job is to resolve any crisis that emerges from a media perspective.

I haven’t taken any work-from-home days since COVID-19, working everyday in public service to help alleviate the effects of such a crisis.

It has been overwhelming for sure, but it’s definitely a joy going to work every day.

My job is truly the best thing that has happened to me during this difficult time of quarantining and fears about the spread of COVID-19; seeing myself grow and grow something with me is just priceless.

After five months, my first initiative at work has come to life, and is supported by one of the most prominent ministers – I couldn’t be happier honestly.

Hard work always pays off .. Always.

For The Caravan‘s previous diary entries in Arabic and English go to our COVID-19 Special Coverage page.